
Roasted Parmesan Carrots

By The Petite Plantation - December 19, 2018

These carrots were so delicious I want to share the recipe with you! Although I love to serve simple food and just cook vegetables they way they are with a little butter, I also love finding new ways to cook vegetables and dress them up a bit!

I also want to become really comfortable preparing the vegetables we grow on our garden and will have abundantly on the homestead because we wish to be self sufficient when it comes to food one day!

This recipe is really easy to put together and I hope you enjoy it!

Roasted Parmesan Carrots


2 tbsp butter
2 cloves of minced garlic
8 to 16 carrots
4 tbsp parmesan chesse
1 tsp chopped or dried parsley


Preheat over to 400F.
Melt butter and combine with minced garlic.
Place carrots on a baking sheet, I like to line mine with parchment paper.
Drizzle melted butter and garlic over carrots.
Roast in oven for 20 minutes and occasionally flip carrots round for even roasting.
Remove baking sheet from oven a sprinkle with Parmesan Cheese.
Continue roasting for 10 additional minutes or until the Parmesan Cheese begins to brown.
Remove from oven and sprinkle Parsley over carrots and enjoy!

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