
Easy Vegetable Recipes: Smashed Parmesan Brussel Sprouts

By The Petite Plantation - January 12, 2019

Smashed Parmesan Brussel Sprouts
My child is a freak of nature when it comes to his love of Brussel Sprouts! He gets so excited when these bite sized green veggies are placed on the table in front of him when any other child would throw a fit! Even husband and I are giving him side eyes when he shows his enthusiasm for vegetables but we encourage him because they are so healthy for us!

Benefits to Eating Brussel Sprouts

  • Helps protect against cancer with antioxidants
  • Builds bone with Vitamin K
  • Boosts our Immune System with Vitamin C
  • Fights inflammation and heart disease
  • Restores out gut health
  • Protects our eye and skin health
  • Source of potassium for nerve function
  • Protects our brain health
  • Balances blood sugar and fights diabetes
I try to share these health benefits (source) every we serve Brussel Sprouts to encourage the kids to nourish their body and just eat all the vegetables! And these Brussel Sprouts are really delicious so the grown ups don't mind eating them either, really. 

But eating vegetables plain, even the farm fresh or freshly harvested vegetables, can be redundant so we like to dress them up. We've done this with our Garlic Butter Green Beans and our Roasted Parmesan Carrots, too!

These Smashed Brussels Sprouts below are served with Pork & Mushroom Garlic Sauce which is also a Keto meal.

Easy Vegetable Recipes: Smashed Parmesan Brussel Sprouts

KETO Smashed Parmesan Brussels Sprouts


18 brussels sprouts
1/4 cup of extra virgin olive oil
1/2 tsp of sea salt
1/2 tsp of freshly ground black pepper
1 clove of fresh minced garlic
1/4 cup of parmesan cheese


Preheat oven to 375F.
In a medium saucepan, boil Brussels Sprouts for 10 minutes or until partially cooked.

Meanwhile, in a small bowl combine olive oil, sea salt, pepper and garlic. Set aside.

Once the Brussels Sprouts are cooked, drain and place on a parchment paper lined baking sheet.
Using the back of a fork, or potato masher, gently smush the Brussel Sprouts to break.
Brush with olive oil mixture.
Sprinkle parmesan cheese on top.
Bake for 15 minutes or until chesse becomes golden.

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Easy Vegetable Recipes: Smashed Parmesan Brussel Sprouts

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