
Attracting Butterflies to Your Garden

By The Petite Plantation - January 20, 2018

After my first successful veggie garden, even with these horribly hilarious gardening fails, I learned a lot about gardening, like what not to do, and a bunch of things I wish I had known! This year, I plan to grow all the same easy vegetables to grow, but will spend much more time on fresh cut flowers and attracting pollinators, like butterflies, to our little piece of earth!
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Pollinators are necessary to grow many different fruits and vegetables, like zucchini which I hand pollinated last year to ensure the fruit grew. They are also beautiful, make me happy, and are said to carry messages to your lost loved ones, so I feel we all need more butterflies in our lives, or gardens!

A lot of these flowers to attract butterflies are also on this list of medicinal flowers to grow around the homestead!

Tips for Attracting Butterflies

  • MILKWEED | Monarch's will seek out this plant for laying eggs because their caterpillars only eat milkweed to grow and become more butterflies!
  • OTHER PLANTS | Below is a list of other wildflowers and plants to grow that are have big and bright blossoms that have been proven to attract butterflies.
  • SHELTER | Providing shelter from the wind and predators will encourage butterflies to stay a while. If they feel threatened from the wind, they are likely to flutter away. Providing shelter isn't similar to birds and birdhouses, large wind-breaking trees and hedges are optimal to keep the wind minimal.
  • REST | If your butterflies choose to stick around, provide sunny and warm places to rest like light coloured stones that absorb the heat of the sun.
  • WATER | Provide a shallow and safe drinking area for the butterflies by placing rocks in a bird bath or pan.
  • SAFETY | If you are attempting to attract butterflies to your garden, do it safely by using organic gardening practices and avoid using pesticides!

Plants to Attract Butterflies

I won't go into great detail about each of these flowers or how to grow them, but I wanted to do a fun blog post and let these beautiful photos speak for themselves!
LAVENDER {Buy them here!}


CALENDULA {Buy them here!}


These are just a few flowers that will attract butterflies, anything bright, colourful and with lots of blossoms is sure to attract them! You can even have your yard registered as a Monarch Waystation here.

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