
Medicinal Flowers to Grow

By The Petite Plantation - January 20, 2018

Although modern medicine is most dominant in our world, I believe in the power of plant magic and that it can help relieve common, everyday discomforts easily and effectively. Today, I've listed 9 different medicinal flower plants to add to your homestead, what they are good for and links to other blog posts on how to use them. But, before ingesting any herbs, do your own research and read my disclaimer here.

Why you should grow medicinal flowers around the homestead:

  1. you have the plant magic needed to promote overall wellness
  2. are able to relieve discomfort
  3. they brighten your mood
  4. they are good for the environment and earth
  5. they attract essential pollinators to your gardens for a bumper veggie crop
  6. their medicinal benefits get passed on to the pollinators #savethebees

9 Medicinal Flowers to grow for your home apothecary!

CALENDULA | This easy-to-grow, bright and sunny variety of daisy is very generous and with every blossom trimmed it seems to be more and more productive. The dried petals of Calendula have been used for centuries for their anti-oxidant properties and for it's ability to promote healing in salves or tinctures when applied to the skin to treat cuts, bruises, burns, inflammation and dermatitis. It also has been used magically for happiness, prosperity, love and harmony.

LAVENDER | Lavender is most known for its beautiful purple and fragrant blossoms but in folk-lore, lavender is most known for its ability to soothe restless people into sleep, stabilize mood, provide better concentration and reduce anxiety, and is magically associated with peace, harmony, tranquility, love, purification and healing. Herbalists have used Lavender to treat fungal infections, acne, wounds and eczema. Dried Lavender can be added to your warm bath, in a sachet to add a feminine aroma to your linens on in an eye pillow to soothe a headache.

ECHINACEA | Echinacea is one of the most popular herbs in North America because of it's history and reputation to cure everything and there is science to say it contains substances that can boost your immune system, relieve pain, reduce inflammation, it antiviral, full of antioxidants and can effect your hormones. The parts of the plant that are above ground are more effective than the root, so consider harvesting the blossoms to dry and use in teas, tinctures or ointments. Lastly, Echinacea is particularly good for bee heath!

You can read more about Echinacea, how to grow, save seeds, harvest and use echinacea in your home apothecary here!

CHAMOMILE | This daisy-like plant has also been used widely by North America for calm nerves, treating stomach issues, muscle spasms, for skin conditions and mild infections but most often, Chamomile is used to relieve stress and help promote a restful night of sleep and test tube studies show that it is effective in killing bacteria, fungus and viruses. The flower heads can be dried and crushed into a tea, infused into an oil for a homemade soothing salve, or consumed in an empty veggie capsule.

ST. JOHN'S WORT | For thousands of years, St. John's Wort has been used in ancient Greece for its antibacterial, antiviral and antioxidant properties and in recent years has been studied for is antidepressant, PMS, menopause, eczema, and wound benefits. Definitely do some research before using  St. John's Wort internally as it can effect other herbs and medications.

FEVERFEW | Although the name suggests it, Feverfew isn't very beneficial to fevers but has been used for centuries to treat headaches and arthritis. All above ground parts of the plant can be dried and used in teas or crushed up into a powder and placed in an empty veggie capsule but only a 3 petals a day is necessary to help with migraine relief according to this website.

DANDELION | Typically you don't need to buy dandelion seeds to have this powerful plant around the homestead and is often called a weed. But dandelions are incredibly useful! The leaves can be added to salads, the roots can be dried and ground into coffee and the blossoms can be used in this Dandelion Lavender Salve. They are full of vitamins A, B, C, and D and minerals such as iron, potassium and zinc and is anti-inflammatory!

BEE BALM | The name 'Bee Balm' comes from its long known history of soothing bee stings but this beautiful flowering plant can do so much more. Drinking tea made from bee balm can ease congestion, soothe sore throats and headaches and it can also relieve stomach upset, spasms and acts as a diuretic.

GOLDENROD | These bright and showy wildflowers pop up in the fall and are the bees last meal before retreating to their hive but the blossom can also be used to help heal skin wounds. All the plant parts above ground can be used in tinctures, teas and salves. Goldenrod has anti-inflammatory properties, and relieve muscle spasms, fight infections and lower blood pressure.


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