
Stuffed Mushrooms

By The Petite Plantation - December 22, 2018

Stuffed Mushrooms
Just a heads up... These are not healthy, but they are damn delicious and you only live once! I always thought stuffed mushrooms we way too fancy for regular people to be able to cook. I'm not a chef, but a damn good cook. Just a regular mom who enjoys good food and I'm telling you, these are not hard!

Stuffed Mushrooms | After washing the mushrooms, remove the stems and chop them up!
I first heard of stuffed mushrooms from a friend who prepared them in my kitchen then left with them for a family function. So betrayed. I know! She filled my home with such and amazing aroma of bacon and cream cheese then took. them. with. her. Speechless.

Stuff Mushrooms | Be sure to keep this moving in the pan so it doesn't burn.
Anyway, I thought well if she could throw these together, I certainly could. Without a recipe, I gathered what I imagined would be in Stuffed Mushrooms and have created this masterpiece we now enjoy every Winter Solstice.

Makes 16 Stuffed Mushrooms
I hope you enjoy the recipe! If you do, share it wherever you get social!

Stuffed Mushrooms


3 slices of crispy cooked and crumbled bacon
1 tbsp of butter
2 cloves of minced garlic
1/4 tsp of sea salt
1/4 tsp of pepper
4 oz of cream cheese
1/4 cup of parmesan cheese
16 button mushrooms


Preheat oven to 375F.
Remove stems from mushrooms and dice. Set aside mushroom heads.
In a frying pan on medium heat, melt butter and sauté garlic until aromatic.
Add diced stems and cook until they have reduced.
Reduce to low heat and add parmesan and cream cheese to melt.
Add sea salt, pepper and crumbled bacon combine well.
Remove from heat.
Stuff mushrooms with a tablespoon of filling and place on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
Bake for 15 minutes or until hot and slightly browned.

If you enjoyed this recipe, or this post, please consider sharing with your friends on social media where ever you like to hang. Because, sharing really is caring! Sharing this post also supports my rambles and allows me to continue doing just that!

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