
45+ ways to earn money on your homestead!

By The Petite Plantation - November 11, 2013

Don't we all just want to quit our jobs and live off the land? We know, we did.. 

Although it may seem like just a dream for now, there are many ways to earn enough income to homestead with out seeking work off the homestead and in this post, I am giving you all my best ideas. 

Some of these ideas we are already implementing to earn a income from our sustainable tiny homestead but most of them are still great ideas we are working on.

Sell your fruits and vegetable at a road side stand!
  • Sell your fruits and vegetables at a road side stand. We opened our roadside Farm Market in the spring of 2020 and are loving every minute of it. We have regular locals coming for our farm fresh eggs but in the future we are going to sell egg shares!
  • Join a farmers market and sell extra veggies and fruit! Simply setting up a table each Saturday with fresh produce is a great way to make money from your uneaten produce!
  • Use your land as a venue for events like weddings and reunions. Be sure to look into 'farm insurance' if you go this route!
  • If you have chickens, sell your extra eggs. We make $4 a dozen on our farm fresh eggs!
  • If these are fertilized eggs, sell them as hatching eggs! The same dozen eggs can sell for upwards of $20 a dozen if they are proven fertilized!
  • Or incubate these to sell the chicks! Some prefer the hard work of hatching to be done for them, and in 21 days the $4 a dozen farm eggs are now $60 in day old chicks, $5 each!
  • Raise meat king chickens for meat and sell farm fresh chicken from home!
  • Hens that aren't producing can be sold as stewing hens.

  • Create a beautiful arboretum attraction full of native species.
  • Charge photographers who want to photograph weddings here (must be beautiful to get away with this one).
  • Create a Wildlife Friendly Habitat to attract birds, hand feed chickadees and birdwatchers.
  • Keep bees and sell honey.
  • Sell beeswax.
  • Sell home made beeswax beauty products.
  • Make beeswax candles to sell. (DIY Beeswax Candle)
  • Create a beautiful u-pick wild flower garden your bees need and will appreciate.
  • Sell your flowers at a road side stand or market.
  • Divide and pot your large over grown perennials to sell.
  • Give gardening classes to your community!

  • Seed save and sell extra heirloom seeds. Occasionally we add seeds in our Shop and they are a real hit!
  • Grow and sell fresh herbs.
  • Dry and sell dried herbs.
  • Grow sunflowers to sell bird seed.
  • Tap your maple trees to sell maple syrup.
  • Grow grapes and make wine!
  • Have goats? Sell goat cheese or milk.
  • Make goat milk soap!

  • Raise cattle, lamb, pigs, ducks, quail, rabbit or turkey for meat to sell.
  • Use your farm animals as studs.
  • Sheer sheep for wool to sell
  • Or spin yarn yourself.
  • Sell handicrafts, knitted or crocheted items.
  • Sell hand crafted furniture.
  • Have farm pets? Open a small petting zoo!
  • Have a pick-your-pumpkin patch!
  • Corn maze if you have a field of corn.
  • Road side fall attractions with games, and hay rides!

  • Sell compost or manure if you have enough animals hah!
  • Create an Orchard and sell apples, and apple products.
  • U-Pick apples!
  • Make your own jams and jellies to sell.
  • Grow a U-pick strawberry, or raspberry patch.
  • If you have a green house, sell seedlings in the spring.

  • Host workshops or classes on how to homestead!
  • Start a blog and earn income from it! We earn money from our blog as a source of passive income!
  • Use your skills to start a home based business!
  • Rent out land for farmers!
  • Rent out grain storage!
Most of these we are planning to do ourselves to earn enough income that we can both work on the homestead. I am sure there are many other ways to earn income, these ideas I have come up with focus on using what is around, already there at your disposal. Imagine if you had skills like tractor repair, or could give riding lessons?

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