
6 Reasons Why We Homeschool

By The Petite Plantation - February 14, 2019

We often get asked 'why did you decide to homeschool?' Usually, this is asked by people who are not homeschooling yet or new home educators who are second guessing their choice.. If you are the latter check out this post on all the lessons we learned while homeschooling our two boys. There is great motivation to keep you going, if that's what you want.

Because this is one of the most frequently asked homeschool questions, aside from 'how do you socialize your children', I thought I would fill you in and shine a little light on why we chose to homeschool our two boys.

It's way more fun than public school..

Instead of learning about sharks from a cut and paste activity in a classroom we can go to an indoor aquarium and walk in a giant tube as they swim over us! Yep, that actually happened!

Or instead of learning about landforms in a classroom with play dough, we can go for a hike over a mountain, have a picnic in a valley, hike up a trail and find a cave, a cliff, a waterfall and a stream! That also happened! 

Or instead of learning about fossils with play doh inside, we can go to a shale beach and pretend we are Paleontologists and actually search for fossils on the shore, smash open ice blocks full of dinos and cast a footprint in the dirt! Also happened!

I don't need to elaborate on this point because it's way more fun to let you imagine all the fun to be had and get excited about your homeschool journey! But if you want to watch some of our daily shenanigans, follow @thepetiteplantation on Instagram.

We're building our family...

Although we are finished having babies, we are still very much building our family! It never ends. We are building the bond between our children and ourselves, creating long lasting traditions so they are called home to their family even as adults and we're building our family taproot.

Homeschooling develops so much more closeness in a family and we really want to help them build great character, mannerisms, and a relationship that will survive the teen years, really.

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Childhood is incredibly valuable...

From the time they are able to dress their own tiny bodies to when they will leave our humble nest is terrifyingly short and we don't want to miss any of it! 

One third of their school-aged years could have been spent outside of the home, and you don't get that time back! We are financially able and capable to homeschool them so we would rather they spent those years growing at home rather than in a public school.

These childhood years are priceless.

Reasons why we homeschool |  Freedom of a whimsy schedule!

Freedom of a whimsy schedule...

Having flexibility in our schedule has allowed our family to move across the country and back. It has allowed us to live in a tiny home on wheels to wander and explore this beautiful country in which we live. And we've really enriched our homeschooling experience, their education and our lives! 

We are able to take long weekend educational road trips where we all learn more together than the kids would if they were sitting in a public school for the same number of days. We also have the freedom to take time off when we need it to recharge, for family emergencies, and other appointments because we homeschool all year long.

Our life would be vastly different if we were't homeschooling.

Reasons why we homeschool | Education isn't just in a classroom!

Education isn't just in a classroom...

I have this saying that education is everything because you can learn anything new anywhere, you just need to have the mindset for it.

My husband and I have realized how much more our children learn from a hike in the woods or exploring a new exhibit at out local museum than spending the same amount of time sitting at a table with a pen and paper. It's astonishing all the things we stop for to discuss in the forest, the trees, leaves, clouds, animals, growth, death, compost, global warming and climate change

And because we know they learn so much more on our homeschool adventures, we are determined to explore even more places, visit new museums, and take more hikes which in the end, just creates an incredible homeschool experience and more pleasant family memories for us all.

Because it's a gift...

In many countries parents are not allowed to homeschool and in some provinces/states you still have to report to the school board. There are places on this planet where most children aren't even able to go to public school because they need to help provide for the family.

We live in Canada where we still have the right to public education AND the right to home educate our children so homeschooling is very much a choice and a gift we are grateful to take advantage of.

And we understand that even in Canada there are families who wish they could homeschool their children but can't because they have their own road blocks to overcome but we can, so I am grateful for the opportunity and all the above reasons why we chose to homeschool our children!

If you enjoyed this post, you may also enjoy these 6 lessons we learned from homeschooling our 2 boys..

6 reasons why we have chosen to homeschool our boys!

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